Sunday, July 24, 2011

Blog Vacation...

As you might have noticed I have been a little quiet of late. Actually I have been so insanely busy that I haven't had a chance to post here in a while.

My plan is to take the rest of the summer off and hopefully return in September to my regular posting schedule #fingerscrossed

As always though I will be on my Twitter stream @writingnodrama so stay in touch with me there :-) :-) :-)


  1. Enjoy your break! Every time I've stepped away from blogging, a funny thing has happened. My blog gets better when I get back. I think it just gives us a chance to collect our thoughts some.

    See you when you're back!


  2. Just finished Hearts Blood. BRAVO!!!!! I have thoroughly recommended it to all my geeky quantum theory meets magical possibilities friends whom I sincerely hope will purchase the book. I can't wait for the sequel. Was Wondering if you FB? I would love to speak to you more about your writing and such. I picked up 30 Pieces of Silver and am anxious to start on it but have to let the Kindle recharge first. ;)

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  5. I keep the drama out of my writing by taking long vacations. How about you? ;-)
